Monday 1 June 2015

Safety In The Outdoors.

You need to watch out for trouble.

The bush here is safe, in its way.

There are no snakes, hidden, or tigers,

No poison darts or Kalashnikovs.

Unlike the Serengeti where we once saw a giant eagle

Swoop on a hyrax, only to lose its grip

And drop it's prey.

Never to hit the ground as

It was seized, in the air, by the jaws of a passing hyena.

The winner on the day.

But you can get bluffed and fall,

Or get caught out by a raging creek,

Or get mistaken for a buck, or a duck,

And get shot.

Or just become lost.

If you are still with us, you

Should follow a creek or is it a ridgeline?

You should stay with the boat or the aeroplane, you should

Use your watch as a compass or

Empty your pack to use as a hat to

Blindfold you to the reality

That you are lost.

You can place a small smooth river stone in your mouth

And press it against the roof of your mouth

With your tongue

But don't swallow it.

1 comment:

  1. Your pared-down poetry is exquisite, and refects your visual works like a mirror into another form.
