Saturday 29 August 2015


Cormorant on a branch

Slow and fat

Drying its wings

A black neon cross

Needing constant adjustment

But always tilting

Urban images repeat over

Capitalism sin and debauchery

The refinement of social strata

Old money

Saturday the 28th


Left luggage

Cross country

Wet loam diesel and resin

Guard dogs

Between stations

Fluorescent nature

The need of room for

Catharsis and

The secrets of the water

Tuesday 25 August 2015

A Firm Grip

It's a big day for some

But not here

A breeze and birdsong

A little more gravity than


But that is to be expected

It's the worst day for some

But not here


Light headed and trip footed

Laughing gas

Another day another dialectic

Synthetic equilibrium

To be confused with the real thing

Half full when filling

Half empty when drunk



Wednesday 5 August 2015

Blue Moon.

Thirteenth moon circadian

Dead low dead calm

Clear light on the water

Insisting that the people turn

On the shadowing land and

Look to the cheesy radiance

For original nature.

A Little Grey Bird.

I will press on

It's late and the tide is dropping

Leaving smooth wet sand

Bruised purple by the sky

Up from the flats tracking the creek

Pool to pool

Basalt islands in rapids

Water giggling excitedly

On its trip to the beach

Embracing trees cry like birds

As the valley walls rise hard

Volcanics  tectonics  hydraulics

The water below hissing

A little grey bird calls and flutters

In the vast space of the valley

Small hope note dancing

Above rapid and fall

There at the head of the valley

And the foot of the falls

Twilight mixes with the mist

Fluttering birds and shivering ferns.